Congratulations on your purchase of a BRL-04EX Broadband Router. PCI
is proud to provide you with a powerful yet simple communication device
for connecting your local area network (LAN) to the Internet. For those who
want to surf th e In ternet at the l owest p oss ibl e co st, the B RL-04 EX
Broadband Router is the convenient, easy solution.
The BR L-04EX provides Internet access to mu ltip le us ers by sharing a
single-user account. The BRL-04EX features a WAN interface that allows
you t o connect eit her a DSL or cable modem. The BR L-04EX provides
extensive firewall protection and Virtual Private Network (VPN) services.
The BRL-04EX provides m any cos t-effecti ve functi ons and management
benefits. It is simple to configure and can be up and running in minutes.
Internet connection to DSL or cable modem via a 10/100 Mbps WAN port
Local network connection via 10/100 Mbps Ethernet switch ports
DHCP for dynamic IP configuration, and DNS for domain name mapping
Fi rewal l wi th St ateful Pack et Ins pecti on, cl ient pri vi leges, hacker
prevention, DoS, and NAT
NAT also enables multi-user access with a single-user account, and virtual
server functionality (providing protected access to Internet services such
as web, mail, FTP, and Telnet)
User-definable application sensing tunnel supports applications requiring
multiple connections
Parental controls allows the user to limit certain web sites
Email alerts when the users network is being compromise
Easy setup through a web browser on any operating system that supports TCP/IP
Compatible with all popular Internet applications
Chapter 1
About the BRL-04EX
Features and Benefits