For an optimal result, and then a good pizza, baking must be carried out
at an average temperature of 310°C for 3 minutes.
For an easier use and care of the oven, for the best result, we strongly
advise to operate as follows:
1) The oven must be switched on (heating phase) at least one hour
before the use; in this phase the below mentioned temeperatures
must be set:
2) At this stage proceed with the first baking keeping these settings
3) After baking the first pizzas (first baking), set on the oven the below
Proceeding with the second and step by step with the subsequent
baking keeping these settings.
4) Once several baking done, or in any case while the oven must simply
remain in temperature, without any baking, reset the oven according
to the setting under point 1
5) When wishing to resume the pizza baking, undertake again the
same steps starting from point 1
For an optimal result, it is necessary that 20% of the baking surface
(refractory stones) remains free. This solution allows the best elimination
of the water steams coming from the pizzas under baking.
When that solution is not applied, and the entire baking area is full (this is
not ideal), the exhauster valve must be fully opened for an easier water
steam expulsion.
For an optimal result it is better to change always the area from one
to another baking. This solution enables the refractory stone to dry up in
the right way an even temperature on the whole area