These words contain the state of COM1
serial communication. Each bit of each word
signals a condition of missing communication
(off line) or error for each of the data
transmitted or received using the instructions
COM_1-256 (for example,
indicates an error in the instruction number
). In the case of a serial line set
to slave protocol, the error condition is
signalled by putting a “1” in all of the bits of
the word SM57.
At startup, all of the words are initialized to 0.
SM73 1073
Serial state EXP1 1-16
SM74 1074
Serial state EXP1 17-32
SM75 1075
Serial state EXP1 33-48
SM76 1076
Serial state EXP1 49-64
SM77 1077
Serial state EXP1 65-80
SM78 1078
Serial state EXP1 81-96
SM79 1079
Serial state EXP1 97-112
SM80 1080
Serial state EXP1 113-128
SM81 1081
Serial state EXP1 129-144
SM82 1082
Serial state EXP1 145-160
SM83 1083
Serial state EXP1 161-176
SM84 1084
Serial state EXP1 177-192
SM85 1085
Serial state EXP1 193-208
SM86 1086
Serial state EXP1 209-224
SM87 1087
Serial state EXP1 225-240
SM88 1088
Serial state EXP1 241-256