Chapter 2
PB731P/PB731I Webpage Setting User’s Guide
Setup Execution
button, a warning message will occur.
Do NOT remove the micro SD card while Camera is in recording process.
2.5.1 Local Storage Tab
Local Storage
tabbed pane displays the SD card status. It shows the SD
card total capacity (Total size), available memory (Free size), used memory
(Used size) and used memory ratio (Use(%)). It also display the current Camera
operation condition (Recording status) and provide “SD card control” option
where user can select to allow the Camera to auto-overwrite earlier files in order
to maintain the defined “Keep Free Space” memory size.
Figure 2-30
“Local Storage” Tabbed Pane
Click this button to save changes to the SD card control setting.
Click this button to format the SD memory card (take note of the
message in red).
Click this button to refresh the webpage.
Enable check box to
allow auto-overwrite
of earlier files in order
to maintain the
defined “Keep Free
Space” memory size