Chapter 3
User’s Manual
Registration and Binding of Camera
6) The
Setting Table
(shown below) displays the newly added Camera being
listed at the bottom of previous ones. Then click the
button at the
bottom of the window.
Figure 3-20 Setting Table Listing the Successful Binding of the Newly Added Camera
7) All bound Cameras as listed in the
table are then displayed live view
in the
window (illustrated below).
Figure 3-21 Matrix Window with the Second Newly Added Camera Displayed to the Right
3.2.2 Modifying Camera Default Names
With several Cameras being installed, you may have a hard time identifying
which Camera is installed where from their MAC Addresses. Hence, you may
assign unique names to each Camera for easy identification, e.g.; names that are
related to Camera positions. To do so, carry out the following steps.
Newly added Camera