Chapter 3
Registration and Binding of Camera
User’s Manual
Registration through iPIXORD “Create Account”
1) After clicking
Create Account
button, the following dialog will then
display to prompt you to define your own User Name, Password, and valid
Email address to start the account registration process.
Figure 3-2
iPIXORD “Create Account” Sign-in Dialog
2) After you have filled-in all the necessary data, click Apply button (see figure
above). A few minutes later, iPIXORD will send you an Email message
(shown below) into your mailbox to advise you of your newly created
account number with instruction to verify your registration.
Figure 3-3 Email Message from iPIXORD Advising the Newly Created Account Number
3) Click the hypertext “
Please click to verify your registration
” and you will
be automatically connected to iPIXORD and prompt you with the process of
binding the new Camera into iPIXORD as discussed see Section 3.2.