S w i t c h e s Classified b y F u n c t i o n s
a) R o t a r y Switch
R o t a r y switch is capable of selecting, making, or break
ing an electric circuit actuated by a rotational t o r q u e ap
plied to its shaft. Most switches of this type are for selecting
signals and some for switching power. Here we will dis
cuss signal selectors. This switch is capable of switching
multiple circuits when switch wafers are assembled in mul
tiple gangs. Generally each wafer can select 11 terminals
which are apart from each other by 30°. This switch usually
has to step over several unnecessary terminals before reach
ing a desired point. The contact points are of sliding type
and have an ability of self cleaning. With these features,
this switch is used for selecting functions, m o d e s , speak
ers, etc. P h o t o 2 shows typical r o t a r y switches.
Rotary Switches