Pattern Generator
A TV pattern generator is required for testing and adjust
ing VCRs (video cassette recorders), TV receivers and TV
m o n i t o r s . Here we will discuss the features and functions
of Leader's N T S C type generator LCG-396 referring to /
the knobs a n d controls of its front and rear panels.
T h e functions of P A L type generators such as Leader's
LCG-399 are similar to those of N T S C type although P A L
system is different from the N T S C system in standard.
LCG-396 (NTSC) LCG-399A (PAL)
Fig 1 Front Panel of Pattern Generators
©. Power Switch
©. Power Indicator
®. —®. Pattern Selectors
(3). Cross Hatch
This pattern is made of 21 vertical and 16 horizontal white
lines with a dot in the center. (Cross hatch and dots are
displayed on the same screen with LCG-399.) This is for
adjusting static and dynamic convergence of a color pic
ture, vertical and horizontal amplitude, vertical and
horizontal linearity a n d other raster alignments.
®. Center Cross
For centering picture o n the screen with the k n o b s of ver
tical and horizontal position control.
20 (vertical) x 15 (horinzontal) white dots for static con
vergence alignment a n d focusing. (Cross hatch and dots
have been integrated into one pattern in LCG-399.)
Red, blue, green or white raster is selectable by depress
ing this b u t t o n and turning Raster Selector # 17. These
rasters are used t o adjust color purity. White raster level
is of 100% luminance and is for adjusting white balance
of color picture. Black raster is obtainable by depressing
C O L O R , C H R O M A and L U M I N N A N C E b u t t o n s .
Measuring Instrument