@. Luminance Level Control
Luminance level of color bars is variable within the range
of ± 2 0 %
©. Setup
Setup level or black level of all patterns is variable within
the range of 0 — 1 0 % . Adjusting m e t h o d is shown on* the
Table 1. Connection a n d setting of an oscilloscope are as
Connect the generator t o the vertical input of a triggered
oscilloscope which has a bandwidth more t h a n 10MHz.
Set the oscilloscope's input-mode t o D C and sensitivity t o
When the black level is raised, the percentage of luminance
amplitude is raised. Table 3 shows the levels of bars when
the black level is adjusted at 7 . 5 % with the setup level
Test Items
Test Point
Panel Control and Value
of adjustment
Place of
A d j u s t m e n t
Video level
Set the pattern selector
t o Color and video level
control t o Preset.
Obtain a desired setup
A d j u s t chrominance and
luminance level so as t o
produce a video o u t p u t
of 1 V p - p .
or Vec-
Table 1 Video Level Setup
©. Video Output
This terminal puts out a composite video signal and ac
cepts A 75 O BNC plug.
O u t p u t voltage Fixed: A p p r o x . l V p - p (75 Q load)
Variable: 0—1.5Vp-p (75 D load)
Polarity Positive (negative sync signals)
T h e output is a composite signal of pattern, synchroniz
ing, blanking and burst signals. This has positive polarity
with negative sync pulses to conform to the polarity of vid
eo equipment.
©. Level Control
Video o u t p u t level is variable within the range of 0 —
1.5Vp-p with a 75 O load. W h e n this control is set at
P R E S E T , the o u t p u t is l V p - p (75 O load). This control
does not affect R F m o d u l a t i o n .
©. Scanning Selector
Selects I N T E R L A C E D OR P R O G R E S S I V E scanning
Interlaced scanning: T h e trace lines of a field appear be
tween the lines of the previous field as in the normal TV
broadcasting picture. This is used for viewing color bars
and rasters.
Progressive scanning: The trace lines of a field appears on
the same lines of the previous field making the picture
coarse but flickerless. This is better for viewing Crosshatch,
dots and center cross patters.
©. Raster Selector
Switch for selecting R E D , G R E E N , B L U E or W H I T E .
(On LCG-399 eight colors are selectable by combining
R E D , G R E E N and B L U E raster buttons.)