1 1 . Trick P l a y
Trick play such as S T I L L , S L O W and P I C T U R E
S E A R C H is possible by shifting tape speed. Tracking con
trol becomes difficult when the tape speed varies because
t h e video heads are forced to trace wrong tracks where a
h e a d becomes off-azimuth t o the recorded signal.
There are two problems in trick play.
1) V-sync
W h e n the tape runs fast or slow, the relative tape-to-head
velocity is shifted and the n u m b e r of scanning lines per
frame becomes smaller or larger t h a n 525. Then the verti
cal synchronization will be lost. To compensate this in trick
play quasi V-syncs are added next to the real V-syncs.
2) Azimuth loss
H e a d - A picks u p the signal on track A and head-B picks
u p that of head-B. When the tape speed is shifted, the video
heads trace tracks of wrong azimuth causing noise and
p o o r picture. There are two ways to solve this problem.
O n e is adjusting the phase of the tape to the heads with
a tracking variable resistor t o m a k e the heads trace the /
track center a n d to m a k e the crossing point of the track
boarder away from the center.
In this way the noise still remains in the picture. A n o t h e r
is adding extra head(s). A n additional h e a d - B ' of o p p o
site azimuth t o head A installed close to t h e m a i n head A
will pick u p the signal when A derails. A a n d A ' comple
ment each other and read a complete field.
4-head system has two pairs of complementary heads. T h e
track width of the two additional heads of the 4-head VCR
has been m a d e narrow t o meet slow m o d e tracks. There
fore, when slowly recorded tape is played the additional
heads become the main heads.
1 1 . 1 Frame STILL
In F r a m e Still, the picture vibrates when the image in the
original picture moves or the signal waveform of the field-B
differs from that of field-A because the screen displays
field-A a n d field-B alternately. The locus of heads and the
amplitude of reproduced R F signal are shown below.
1 1 . 2 Field STILL (Fine Still, Clear Still)
W h e n head A and B trace track center as shown in Fig. 31
(b), the picture will become coarse because they trace only
one field although the picture does not vibrate and become
Tape direction
1 1 . 4 x 2 and x 3 SPEED
In Fig. (c) A and B heads read imcomplete two fields.
RF signal
RF s w i t c h i n g
pulse (RFSWP)
(c) x 2 speed
RF signal
(a) Frame still
(b) Field still
1 1 . 3 S L O W
Simple SLOW: This just slows down the tape velocity. The
noise appears when a head crosses tracks.
Fine S L O W : This m e t h o d is a combination of Field Still
and Step Forward and is employed in V H S V C R s . The ve
locity shifts between Slow and Standard alternately.
id) x 3 speed
Fig. 3 1 Trick Play
V X - 9 0
Fig. 3 0 Various Types of Head