Sentinel & PimaGuard
Installation Guide 19
3. In the ‘Comm’ popup window, select the (communication) Type. There are 3 options: SERIAL, TCP & UDP:
Serial: select this type when the PimaGuard communicates via one of the COM ports;
b. TCP: select this type when the PimaGuard communicates via Ethernet in TCP protocol;
UDP: select this protocol when the PimaGuard is communicating via the Ethernet, using the
UDP protocol;
4. Select the ‘Mode’ of the PimaGuard: Software, Repeater or External:
Software: the PimaGuard sends the events to the Central Monitoring Station management application,
e.g. Andromeda, Computure, etc;
b. Repeater: the channel serves as a repeater; note that the same communication channel cannot be used
for outgoing & incomming repeater together;
External: the PimaGuard recieves events from other decoders. When selecting this option, the "route to"
table is enabled in the Communication window. Double-click it and select the routing configuration.
When routed to a repeater, it is required to fill all the optional formats routing numbers.
Figure 16. Comm. roter
In this example, all the events are routed to ‘Log 1’, ‘Comm. 1’ and ‘Repeater 3’. If the input event source is
CID, the event will be sent by the 6th format number, configured in repeater #3. In these cases, it is
recommended not to use a repeater in "DOS Compatible" mode (it supports all format types). See the
repeaters on page page 25.
On error switch to
Select the communication channel to which the output transmissions will be switched, when an error occurs in the
Software type. This serves as a backup channel. Programming a loop is recommended. If the ‘On error switch to’
is inactive and the channel is not available, the PimaGuard tries to resend the report within the timeout.
For the switching to work, an ACK must be set.
If a report is routed to two channels on the same loop, it will be sent to both channels. If one channel is faulty, a
duplicate event will be created.
Example 1: Loop, 2 channels
Comm. 1: Software mode, ACK & Idle are set, "On error switch to" is set to Comm. 2.
Comm. 2: Software mode, ACK is set, "On error switch to" is set to Comm. 1.
If Comm. 1 channel fails, events will be transmitted via Comm.n 2 channel. If Comm. 1 is restored by Idle's ACK,
the events will be transmitted back to Comm. 1. If both channels fail, the events will be transmitted between the
two in a loop, until timeout is over or transmission successes.
Example 2: Error loop
Comm. 1: Software mode, ACK & Idle are set, “On error switch to” is set to Comm. 2.
Comm. 2: Software mode, ACK & Idle are set, “On error switch to” is set to Comm. 3.
Comm. 3: Repeater/External mode.
Every TCP/UDP channel requires a separate port.
If the IP/URL field is left blank, the PimaGuard will accept transmissions from
any IP that is directed to the PimaGuard’s Port number.
Do not leave any format blank or zero.