PSEN cs6.2p
Operating Manual PSEN cs6.2p
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Wipe off any solved grease and contaminations with a new, dry paper cloth.
Clean the surface with 70% isopropanol. Use lint-free paper cloths and change the pa-
per cloths frequently.
The adhesive surface is clean when the paper remains clean.
The cleaned surfaces must be sealed immediately to prevent any new contamination by
dust and fingerprints.
3. Remove the protective foil from the adhesive foil of the actuator.
Do not touch the adhesive foil after removing the protective foil!
4. Insert the screw into the actuator’s hole and position the screw at the hole on the
mounting surface.
To screw on the actuator, use the supplied plastic M3 countersunk screw.
When using a screw mad from metal the operating distance change, please note the
Warning [
5. Then press the actuator firmly to the gluing position.
6. Press on the actuator for at least 3 seconds with approx. 50 N.
After this time, an adhesive force of approx. 50 % is achieved. The full adhesive force is
achieved after 72 hours at an ambient temperature of at least 20 °C.
7. Check the adhesive force of the glue after 10 minutes.
The actuator must no move when pressed sideways.
8. Additionally, attach the actuator using the M3 plastic screw supplied.
Align safety switch and actuator
The actuator should only be secured using M4 screws with a flat head (e.g. M4 cheese-
head or pan head screws).
The actuator should be protected from unauthorised removal and from contamination.
Close the mounting holes using the seals provided. The use of seals should be regarded
as equivalent to using permanent fastenings in accordance with EN ISO 14119.