PN 350-0453000-02
P a g e
After adjusting the input mirror optimize the position of the output mirror, which redirects the returned
beam into the detector. Adjust the two screws located on the top of the accessory (Figure 3). This mirror
and the resulting focus on the detector is extremely sensitive to small movements of the positioning
screws. A turn of less than a quarter of a complete rotation will drastically change the amount of energy
striking the detector, which may be monitored through the FTIR software.
Figure 3: Locations of mirror alignment ports
Repeat the adjustment of the input and output mirror two to three more times if increases in
performance are observed, to fully optimize the accessory. The positioning of the MCT detector has
been optimized for
the specific bench and probe type. In general, the position of the MCT detector does
not require adjustment. In the event different probe types are in use, the position/alignment of the MCT
detector may slightly improve signal performance. Adjust the MCT detector position in the left or right
direction by loosening the screw located on the detector base rigging as shown in Figure 4. After
adjustment, retighten the screw to secure the detector.
Figure 4: Illustration of MCT detector alignment point
Input Mirror
Adjustment Screws
Output Mirror
Adjustment Screws
Detector Positioning Screw