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Simulating or reading thermocouples requires the use of
thermocouple or extension grade thermocouple wire. Plug
thermocouple wires into the miniature thermocouple jack.
The PIE 525Plus has two banana jacks (1+ & 2-) mounted in the
top end of the housing. These are not temperature compensated
and are to be used only for millivolt signals or thermocouple
signals with the cold junction turned off. The two banana jacks
(5+ and 6-) are for all milliamp signals.
Simulating or reading RTDs uses copper wire.
Plug 2, 3 or 4 wires into the corresponding jacks on the
calibrator. For RTD source the PIE 525Plus simulates the (+)
RTD from jacks 1 & 4 and the (-) RTD from jacks 2 & 3.
When reading an RTD sensor the PIE 525Plus uses patented
circuitry to automatically detect if 2, 3 or 4 wires are connected.
This is helpful to troubleshoot sensor connection (see
Troubleshooting an RTD Sensor).
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