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General Information
Calibrate all your T/C, RTD & mA Instruments
• Easy to use
Single calibrator that combines ALL the
functions of a diagnostic milliamp calibrator with
the accuracy of a laboratory thermocouple and
RTD calibrator.
• Protect instruments & technicians from
(potentially dangerous) catastrophic failures
due to hidden loop problems
Quickly diagnose ground fault and current
leakage often caused by water in conduits and
junction boxes with patented loop diagnostic
technology (US Patent# 7,248,058).
• Calibrate T/C instruments to 0.1 & 0.01 °F & °C
The PIE 525Plus works with the thermocouples
you use including types J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, G,
C, D, L (J-DIN), U (T-DIN) and P (Platinel II). Or
calibrate from -13.0000 to +80.0000 mV.
• Calibrate RTD instruments to 0.1 & 0.01 °F & °C
Stop carrying around a decade box and RTD
resistance tables. The 525Plus works with the
RTDs you use including Platinum 10, 50, 100,
200, 500 & 1000 Ohm (alpha = 3850), Platinum
100 Ohm (alpha = 3902, 3916, 3926), Copper 10
& 50 Ohm, and Nickel 120 Ohm. Or calibrate from
0.000 to 400.000 and 0.00 to 4000.00 Ohms.
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