phyCORE-ADuC812 QuickStart Instructions
© PHYTEC Meßtechnik GmbH 2002 L-462e_2
Saving the Modifications
Save the modified file by choosing File|Save or by clicking the
floppy disk icon
Setting Tool Chain Options
Keil includes a Make utility that can control compiling and linking
source files in several programming languages. Before using the
Make utility, macroassembler, C compiler or linker you must
configure the corresponding options. Most of the options are set by
specifying the target device for the project. Only the external memory
and output options must be set.
Enter the changes as indicated below and leave all other options set to
their default values.
Vision2 allows you to set various options with
mouse clicks and these are all saved in your project file.
Select the target phyCORE-ADuC812 within the project window.