taps, 8 steps in total. optional 256-2048.
depth, only available in Kaiser window.
Windows Type:
window type selection.
click to save setting the parameters to the device channel.
7.8 Matrix mixing
Double- click in the function button
, and the following figure 7.8 matrix mixing function page will pop up.
Figure 7.8 Matrix mixing setting module
In the above figure, the left side corresponds to the output channel, and the upper side corresponds to the input channel.
The value box with a value is the input and output channel mixing key. When the mixing key is green (double- click the
value box to switch the state), the input channel and output channel signal realizes the mixing function.
The right part of the above figure contains the gain, reset button, and clear button of the matrix mix. Click the value box
on the left, and then drag the sliding block of the matrix mix gain or enter a value in the value box to adjust the matrix
block Click the reset button to reset the matrix mixing function to the initial one- to- one state; click the clear button to
clear all the matrix mixing functions, and there is no correspondence between the input and output of the device.
7.9 Output Parametric Equalizer (PEQ)