© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
User manual
Rev. 01 — 12 January 2006
Philips Semiconductors
Volume 1
Chapter 9: UART0
The UART0 transmitter block, U0TX, accepts data written by the CPU or host and buffers
the data in the UART0 TX Holding Register FIFO (U0THR). The UART0 TX Shift Register
(U0TSR) reads the data stored in the U0THR and assembles the data to transmit via the
serial output pin, TXD0.
The UART0 Baud Rate Generator block, U0BRG, generates the timing enables used by
the UART0 TX block. The U0BRG clock input source is the APB clock (PCLK). The main
clock is divided down per the divisor specified in the U0DLL and U0DLM registers. This
divided down clock is a 16x oversample clock, NBAUDOUT.
The interrupt interface contains registers U0IER and U0IIR. The interrupt interface
receives several one clock wide enables from the U0TX and U0RX blocks.
Status information from the U0TX and U0RX is stored in the U0LSR. Control information
for the U0TX and U0RX is stored in the U0LCR.