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Virgin installation wizard
When you have a new TV it will, out of the box, be in virgin mode. This means that you will have to go
through the virgin installation wizard to do the first settings of the TV.
Instant Initial Cloning (IIC)
Virgin installation
When starting up the TV in virgin mode you see the first screen indicating Instant Initial Cloning (IIC).
The TV is now searching on USB/Network and RF for a new clone file containing all new settings for
the TV and/or a new software update.
You can also see the model name and SW version of the TV.
If there is no need to load a clone file on this TV (for example if you want to make a new installation to
create a master clone file) then you need to press “
” to activate the skip button.
Instant initial cloning and software upgrade
If you want to upgrade the TV software and load a new clone file in the TV via USB you have to do
following steps:
Disconnect the TV in virgin mode from the mains power
Insert a USB device with both the new SW (See chapter “
Software upgrade
”) and the clone file
you want to load in the TV
Connect the mains power to the TV
The TV will automatically detect the new SW version and the clone file and upgrade both the
SW and the clone file
You will see following 2 files in the root of your USB device (remove all other files and folders)
Note the case sensitivity for both the folder name and the upg file