Operating Instructions & Parts Manual
Page 23
Assuming the indicator has been set up correctly and the Auto Zero is turned on, you can
begin taking a test as you normally would with your hardness tester.
A) Make sure you have the correct penetrator installed and the weight selection set for
your hardness scale.
Reference the Weight Load Indentor Chart
1) Be sure that your anvil is clean of oil, dust, rust, etc.
2) Place a good quality calibration test block on the anvil and begin rotating the test block
up until you just make contact with the penetrator.
3) Continue rotating up and immediately take not of the Analog bar on the left side of the
indicator. This will rise as the block continues into the penetrator. The indicator will soon
“Beep” alerting you that its almost at the top. Once the pre‐load is set the indicator will
show either 2.80mm or 3.20mm (depending upon the scale set) and immediately change
over to 100.0HRC. The analog bar will be solid right up to the Circle.
4) Once you see the display as shown above you must now apply the major load on the
hardness tester. You will now see the values on the display change in a descending order.
5) Once the value on the display is stable (should be between 5‐8 seconds) you must now
Unload the machine and you can take your reading directly off the indicator display.
Your first test should always be discarded. Begin testing for average on the second test.
ASTM suggests that you take 5 tests and obtain your average. That average is the value to
be used as the true hardness reading.