Professional Series
- 44 -
Ultrasound Therapy
Gener8, Combin8 Quattro & Duo only.)
Contact Control
The ultrasound applicator has a contact control function that
suspends treatment when the acoustical contact with the body drops
below a certain level. The indicator light on the applicator will turn
on to signal this situation, while the ultrasound amplitude display will
start blinking and the treatment timer will stop counting down. During
this situation, the applicator emits a small amount of energy to sense
restoration of acoustical contact. You may experience this when the
applicator only partially contacts the body. When contact restoration
is sensed, the treatment is resumed at the set amplitude. The contact
control function does not work at amplitudes below 0.2 Watt/cm².
The Contact Medium
To ensure efficient transfer of energy, a contact medium is required
between the ultrasound applicator and the body. Air causes virtually
total reflection of the ultrasound energy. The best medium for the
transfer of ultrasound energy is a gel.
• The gel should be applied to the part of the body to be treated
and then spread out with the ultrasound applicator.
• Never apply the gel to the ultrasound applicator. The applicator
will register this as acoustical contact and may emit ultrasound
energy, which could damage the applicator.
If the body surface is very irregular, making it difficult to obtain good
contact between the ultrasound applicator and the body, or if direct
contact must be avoided (e.g. due to pain), the affected area may
be treated under water (subaqual method). The water should be
degassed (by previous boiling) in order to prevent air bubbles arising
on the ultrasound applicator and the body.
Before Treatment
• Check the patient for contraindications. See page 12 for details.
• Test the warmth sensitivity of the treatment area.
• To optimize ultrasound transmission, clean the skin of the
treatment area with soap or a 70% alcohol solution.
• Any areas with excess hair should be clipped or shaved
to ensure good conductivity.
During Treatment
• The ultrasound applicator has to be moved constantly, with the
semi-static method. During treatment, the displayed ultrasound
amplitude can vary around the set value, caused by fluctuations in
acoustical coupling.
• Ask the patient regularly for his/her findings. If necessary, the
treatment will have to be adapted. The amplitude can be reduced
or the continuous mode can be changed to pulsed mode or vice
• When there are signs that the ultrasound transmission is bad,
add more contact gel or spread it with the applicator.
After Treatment
• Clean the skin of the patient and the ultrasound applicator with a
towel or tissue. Clean the applicator with a 70% alcohol solution.
• Check for the effects that can be expected (for example pain,
circulation and mobility).
• Ask the patient to inform the therapist of any reactions.
Ultrasound Application