Original manual in German Version 1.0.2 2022.10.06
Main menu
Password End user – Password level 1
There is no factory setting for an end user password.
Without an end user password, the controller assumes password level 1, i.e.,
normal parameter changes are possible.
The four-digit password can be individually chosen and must be a number between
0000 and 9999.
The desired new password must be entered in both lines.
By assigning an end user password, the device control is protected against
unauthorised access.
Reset, deactivate, remove,... the end user password.
To reset the end user password, enter the current end user password in the
uppermost “Old password” line; the two “New password” lines remain empty;
acknowledge with OK.
Please keep the individually chosen end user password in a safe location; a lost password can only be reset with the
Technician 1 authorisation or by the factory customer service!
Main menu
Password Technician 1 – Password level 2
The factory-assigned Technician 1 password is 01234.
The five-digit password can be individually chosen and must be a number between
00000 and 99999.
To reset the Technician 1 password, enter the current Technician 1 password in the
uppermost “Old password” line; enter the desired new password in both “New
password” lines; acknowledge with OK.
The Technician 1 password is required for the following functions.
Conduct a reset
Delete log data
Carry out extended network settings (Modbus)
Please keep the individually chosen Technician 1 password in a safe location; a lost password can only be reset by
the factory customer service!
Explanation of the password levels: The password level is displayed in the status line to the left of the date.
Password level 0 = Menu protected by end user password
no changes to the menu possible
Password level 1 = allows access to all standard menu items
Password level 2 = allows full access to all menu items (plus reset, delete log files, expand network)
Main menu
The control unit has a web front-end. The current measuring values and status
reports can be transmitted to a home network via the network interface with an
RJ45 socket. The terminal device can be a browser-enabled device such as a PC
monitor, a tablet PC or a smartphone, e.g.
Further information can be found in the Visualisation instructions at the end of
this operation manual.