Cyclone Universal & Cyclone Universal FX - User Manual
Customers who have used our Cyclone PRO and Cyclone MAX will find that their SAP images for
older generation cyclones will not work on the newer
Cyclone Universal
Cyclone Universal
. Recreating these images for current generation Cyclones could potentially introduce errors
and lose information about commands, settings, and configurations.
Therefore, we created the “SAP_Convert_Console.exe” which must be used to convert older
generation SAP images into current generation SAP images. Once converted, an image will work
not only on the
Cyclone Universal
Cyclone Universal
, but it will also be backwards
compatible with the Cyclone PRO and Cyclone MAX.
SAP_Convert_Console.exe is a Windows command line utility and the software must be run
through the Windows Command Prompt. The utility can be found in the same folder as the
Cyclone’s software install path.
The command line parameter syntax:
>SAP_Convert_Console [old_SAP_path] [new_SAP_path]
The relative or full path to the SAP file. Usually has the .SAP file
Optional parameter where the user can specify a relative or full path to
dump the output of the conversion. If path and file name matches the
input, then the output file will replace the input file. If this parameter is not
specified, the output will be dumped in the same path as the input file
renamed with postfix “_2”. For example if the input is myfile.SAP, then the
output will be myfile_2.SAP and will not replace the original input file.