Cyclone Universal & Cyclone Universal FX - User Manual
Figure 8-2: Specify Cyclone IP Address Dialog
(4) Close Button
The “Close” button is active only when a device has been opened for access. Once a device
has been opened for access, it needs to be closed before another device can be opened for
(5) Open Button
The “Open” button opens a device for access. This is a required step before changing the
parameters on the selected device. Once a device has been selected through the second
drop-down box and is opened for access, its information will be displayed at the bottom of the
dialog box.
(6) Refresh List
Will refresh the dialog boxes by searching for devices which are currently connected via the
Serial or USB interfaces, or are found on the network.
(7) Cyclone IP Number
This is the IP number which will be associated with the Cyclone. It needs to be a unique IP
number which can be accessible on the network.
(8) Cyclone Device Name
This is a label which can be used to identify the Cyclone by name, e.g., “John’s Cyclone” or
“Manufacturing Floor.”
(9) MAC Address
This is the Media Access Control address, the unique number of an Ethernet device on the
network. This is programmed by P&E and cannot be modified.
(10) Cyclone Device Type