PV 100a
PV 100a is a pellet burner that is intended to be used with 6 or 8mm wooden pellets. You cannot use
any other fuel to run this burner.
The unique construction of PV 100a allows it to be used with different boilers: liquid fuel, solid fuel
and universal boilers. The PV 100a burner is connected to the boiler with a 129 mm flange (similar to
oil burners).
The burner is equipped with a safety thermostat, a melting chute, temperature sensor and auxiliary
battery for protection against back-burning.
Burner main components are shown on Figure 1
1. Cheramic burning chamber
2. Secundary air holes
3. Tertiary air holes
4. Moving grate
5. Grate
6. Ignitor
7. Flame sensor
8. Burner connecting nut
9. Safety thermostat
10. Grate motor
11. Feed screw motor
12. Fan
13. Plugs
14. Backup battery
15. Keyboard
16. Display
17. Mains transformer
18. Fuel level sensor
19. Fuel inlet
Figure 1 Burner main components