PV 100a
Problems and solutions
Error states
This is actually not an error condition.
Burner is turned OFF from menu.
To turn burner on:
- hold down OK button at least 3s
- change row BURNER from OFF to ON in
setup menu
No pellets
Maximum loading time is reached (5 or 20
minutes) and not enough fuel from external
auger for ignition is loaded
- check fuel in storage
- check auger and auger connection to
- check the level sensors, clean them
Fuel level is not detected in 4 minutes at
burning time
No flame
Flame is disappeared at preburning time
Flame is disappeared at burning time
- check the level sensors, clean them
- check photocell, clean it
Flame is not disappeared in end blow state
Burner internal temperature is reached over
set-point as fixed in setup menu. Possibly
back-burning is happened
- check burner temp. from INFO menu
- check temp sensor connection
- check burning chamber and clean it
- check the chimney and under pressure
(draught) in the boiler
- check the internal feeder screw
connection and rotation
Ignition error
Flame is not detected at ignition time
- check igniter and igniter fuse
- check photocell
Level error
Fuel level in the burner dose not
disappeared at burning time
- Check the level sensors, clean them
Feeder error
Feeder dose not made any rotations in 8
seconds at its running time
- check feeder sensor connection
- check magnet on the feeder shaft
- check feeder screw connection
- feeder can be blocked
Feeder motor current is reached 0,75A
permanently in 0,2 second time
Fan error
Fan dose not reach 40 rps in 7 seconds at
testing time with full power
- check fan sensor connection
- check fan power connections
- check magnet on the fan shaft
- check fan bearings and rotation
Fan dose not reach to needed speed at
burning time in 20 sec.
Grate error
Grate is stucked during the burner cleaning - Clean the burning chamber manually as
described in the “maintenance” chapter
Battery low
Battery voltage is less than 12V with load
(working feeder)
- If there was a power failure then just wait
when it is charged
- replace the battery
No power
No network power
- check power connector, cables
- check safety thermostat
- check burner for backburn
Safety thermostat has turned off the
power - backburn