Congratulations on your purchase of snowcutter «SNOWMATIC»!
Thank you for your choice!
Mini snowcutter «Snowmatic» is designed for quick and high-quality treatment of snow cover, laying
and maintaining of ski-runs. It also can be used for preparation of snow tubing tracks, in places of «baby
lift» operation.
The snowcutter «Snowmatic» allows you to prepare the snow cover for ski-runs in all weather conditions.
The «Snowmatic» hydraulic drive guaranties transformation of the snowpack into the «snow concrete»
even at -20 °С and a lack of moisture contents. The snowcutter provides snow level treatment to a deep
The raising / lowering, pitching function of the snowcutter boom allows you to treat surfaces with
different snow cover density and even ice. The snowcutter has a special router bit section that provides
the best cutting ability. The reverse function of the snowcutter hydraulic oil motor allows you to remove
quickly foreign objects (stones, snags and other hard objects) from the cutter working body. Track
smoothing happens due to the «finisher» that consists of a polyurethane comb. The snowcutter track
setters work in a cutting-pressing mode. The track setters trapezoidal shape allows skier to pass turns
without leaving the ski-run. The mobility and compact size of the snowcutter make possible to use
it where you cannot use ratracs (hard accessible forestry, rugged terrain, park areas). The snowcutter
«Snowmatic» prepares the ski-run in accordance with requirements of the FIS (International Ski
Federation), what allows holding competitions of any level. You can use a snowmobile or an all-terrain
vehicle as a tractor for snowcutter.Ski Federation), which allows you for competitions of any level. You
can use snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle as a tractor for snowcutter.
Read this manual before operating of snowcutter «Snowmatic».
— this sign highlights warnings in the text.
This manual is based on the latest technical information at the time of publication. The manufacturer
reserves the right to change the manual at any time and without additional liabilities. Reproduction of
any part of this publication is permitted only with the written consent of the manufacturer.