All rights, also for translation, reprinting and copy of this manual or parts
are reserved. Reproductions of all kinds (photocopy, microfilm or other)
only by written permission of the publisher.
This manual is according the latest technical knowing. Technical
changings which are in the interest of progress, reserved.
We herewith confirm that the units are calibrated by the factory according
to the specifications as per the technical specifications.
We recommend to calibrate the unit again, after 1 year.
12/2019 Th/Pt/Po/Ehr
PeakTech Prüf- und Messtechnik GmbH
– Gerstenstieg 4 - DE-22926 Ahrensburg / Germany
+49 (0) 4102 97398-80
+49 (0) 4102 97398-99