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Figure 6-4 M4-HD host computer option interface
A: Input field of hospital name; B: Input field of department name; C: Input field of doctor
name; D: Cancel key; E: Save key
6.11.5 Host computer print interface
Click the Print on the main interface of host computer, to pop up the print interface. The
print interface includes the following information: Display 6 or 12 image selection box, print
key, hospital name, department name, patient information, and bladder ultrasound images.
Click the selection box of 6 or 12 Images and select "6 Images" to display 6 bladder
ultrasound images on the print interface (Figure 6-5), and click the Print key for printing (the
printing contents don’t include: Display 6 or 12 image selection box, print key and X key);
Select "12 Images" to display 12 bladder ultrasound images (Figure 6-6), and click the Print
key for printing (same as above) The source of hospital and department names is the
information entered in and saved by the option interface. The source of patient information
and bladder ultrasound images is that displayed on the main interface of host computer.
’The host computer print interface (6 images) is as shown in Figure 6-5: