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view the 3D image of the bladder. Or click the 3D images of the bladder to view the
scanning projection. When the projection is displayed in green, it means that the bladder is
in the scanning area; otherwise, it is in orange.
When selecting the “intelligence mode”, during pre-scanning, the operator can observe
the real-time bladder scanning 3D projection position and move the probe to make the
real-time bladder scanning 3D projection move to the center of the circle. When the
projection is displayed in green, it means that the bladder is in the scanning area; otherwise,
it is in orange. Meanwhile, B-ultrasound image of the bladder is displayed in the projection
area of the screen. During scanning, 12 real-time bladder B-ultrasound images (Figure
5-7-2 and Figure 5-7-3) of the patient will be displayed on the screen. After scanning, the
volume value and the scanning projection of the bladder will be displayed on the screen. At
this time, click the scanning projection in the round frame to view the 3D image of the
bladder. Or click the 3D images of the bladder to view the scanning projection.
Note: During screening, the screen display interface of the intelligence mode and that
of the expert mode are the same.
6.10.2 Calibration setting
The calibration setting (Figure 5-12-2) is not open to users and is special setting for
engineering testing.
6.10.3 Interface language setting
Click the “Language” on the system setting interface to enter interface language setting
interface (Figure 5-12-3). The instrument supports the following 13 languages: English,
Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, Danish, Finnish, Portuguese, Swedish,
Spanish, Dutch, Norwegian, Garman and Italian. The default option is English. When the
selection is completed, it will automatically return to the system setting interface. After the
selection, the "
" will automatically appear in the setting item confirmation field behind the
selected language. Press return key
to return to the main interface.