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6.10.4 Automatic poweroff time setting
Click the "Auto Poweroff" on the system setting interface to enter the automatic
poweroff time setting interface (Figure 5-12-4) to switch the automatic poweroff time to "5
min", "10 min", "15 min", "20 min" or "OFF". The default option is “5 min”, i.e., the instrument
will shut down after 5 minutes automatically. After the selection, the "
" will automatically
appear in the setting item confirmation field behind the selected time. Press return key
to return to the main interface.
6.10.5 Volume alert preset setting
Click the “Volume Alert Threshold” on the system setting interface to enter the volume
alert preset setting interface (Figure 5-12-5), switch the preset bladder volume alert value to
“200”, “250”, “ 300", "350", "400" ml or "OFF". The default option is “OFF”, i.e., the volume
alert is off. After the selection, the "
" will automatically appear in the setting item
confirmation field behind the selected alert preset. Press return key
to return to the
main interface.
6.10.6 Password management
Click the “Password Management” on the system setting interface to enter the
password management login interface (Figure 5-12-6-1), enter the original Administrator
Password in the password input field of the password management login interface: 00000,
click the login key
to enter the password management interface (Figure 5-12-6-2),
and manage the change of History Info Password, Upload Password, and Administrator
Password. On the interface, respectively click the input fields of History Info Password,
Upload Password and Administrator Password to enter a new 5-digit password, press save
after inputting to successfully change corresponding login password. On the