Erwin XL building Instruction
September 2008
To connect the servos to the levers use two connectors
M2,5mm. In between, use a slightly bended welding rod
(diameter 2mm), which you solder to the both connectors.
To find the right length of the welding rod put all servos in 0-
position. If the length isn’t exact after soldering, you can
heat the soldered point with the soldering iron until the the
wire can be moved to the correct position.
There are two possibilities to connect the cables between
fuselage and wing:
Either you lead one cable out of each part of the wing,
length about 20mm, and connect them with two plugs to
the fuselage.
If the wing loosens in case of a crash, there might be
tension on the cable. To avoid this, we recommend to
connect wing and plug with a string, that is a little shorter
than the cable.
- Or you put a plug between the halves of the wing and
connect the wing to the fuselage with one plug.
(The picture shows this solution on the wing of Erwin-2m))
Notice that gluing the plug as shown is not recommendable,
if you want to mount the wing by tape. In case of a crash
the wing may swing out to the side and the plug as well as
the fuselage could be damaged.
Fix the covers of the servos with a double-sided adhesive.
In order to move the triangular ends of the ailerons, you can
bend a piece of steel wire (1mm) and glue it into the end of
the aileron as shown. Let the wire jut out about 6mm.