Brighten Your Digital View!
8.3.3 IPTV output
Under IPTV mode, user can set output uni/multicast IP address and port number for the built-in remux,
and tuner input. Each IP output channel can be switched ON/OFF independently. The source for all
channels can be set as one of 4 Tuner inputs or Remux.
IPTV Channel:
enable the max IPTV channels which user will use, arrange is 1 ~ 128;
IPTV output source;
IPTV output stream protocol;
TS Pkts Per UDP:
TS packets for each UDP package;
Time To Live:
UDP package TTL, arrange 1 ~ 255;
Type of Service:
Normal as default;
All Channel Switch:
set up all IPTV channels status;
for Gigabit In and Gigabit local, please refer to 8.1.1 and 8.2.1
8.4 Remux
The device supports one DVB-TS remux via Tuner In or TS/IP In (available only under full duplex
mode). For remux, it can supports 256 PIDs or 50 services.
Packet Size:
set the packet length of the new 188 or 204 Byte
Max Bit Rate (Kbps):
Set the bitrate for the new generated MPTS, valid range from 100~216000 Kb/s.
The bitrate should be at least bigger than the total bitrate of selected programs, otherwise, packets
may dropout.
Set the TSID of the new generated transport stream, valid range from 0 to 65535 decimal
Insert EIT:
ON: insert EIT into the output stream, EIT data may come from Tuner or IP input port
OFF: EIT will not be inserted into the output stream.