Quad Channels Receiver and Processor
Pro Broadband Inc.
select Unicast or Multicast
Source Identify:
Enable or Disable.
Source IP Address:
set the multicast address for the incoming IP streaming. To receive a unicast
streaming, the submenu can be ignored.
Multicast IP Address:
set the multicast address for the incoming IP streaming. To receive a unicast
streaming, the submenu can be ignored.
Uni/Multicast UDP Port:
set the port number for the incoming IP streaming.
FEC Column UDP Port:
set the port number for column FEC
Row FEC UDP Port:
set the port number for row FEC
TS Clock Recover:
it is suggested to set Auto when there is accurate PCR carried by the inputted TS/IP
Fixed Rate:
when fixed rate is selected, user has to configure a bit rate to regenerate the TS
clock. The configured fixed bit rate has to be a higher than the bit rate of the inputted
TS/IP. Gigabit Local
Set the parameters for the TS/IP output port.
Gigabit Address:
set the IP address of the IP port
Gigabit Subnet Mask:
set the net mask of the IP port
Gigabit MAC Address:
display the MAC address of the IP port, cannot be modified by user
Gigabit Gateway:
set the gateway address under which the IP port is connected
Gateway MAC Address:
set the MAC address of the gateway under which the device is connected,
this is necessary when the IP streaming is needed to pass through the gateways