Brighten Your Digital View!
8.3 TS/IP
2410D provides three TS/IP operation modes,“Multiple output”, “Full Duplex”and “IPTV” .The
management webpage will be different following the change of the operation mode.
8.3.1 Multiple Output Mode
The pages below are displayed under Multiple Output mode. To change the TS/IP operation mode,
please refer to
chapter System-Device. Gigabit Out
Under multiple output operation mode, user can set output uni/multicast IP address and port number for
the built-in remux, and Tuner input. Each IP output channel can be switched ON/OFF independently. The
source for TS/IP output 1-4 is forced linking with Tuner input 1-4 respectively and cannot be changed.
(Note: the page below is displayed only when the TS/IP operation mode is Multiple Output mode. To
change the TS/IP operation mode, please refer to
chapter System-Device