RS-232 Ports
Model 3034/3038 Getting Started Guide
B • Specifications
RS-232 Ports
Serial Asynchronous start-stop
Number of Ports: 8 ports (3038); 4 ports (3034)
Max Aggregate Speed: 2Mbps
Interface: CCITT V.24 (EIA-561) on 8-pin RJ-45F
Data Communication Speed: Selectable 50bps-230.4kbps
Data Format: Selectable 5,6,7, or 8 bits; 1, 1.5 or 2 stop bits, odd, even, or no parity
Flow Control: Software selectable (XON/XOFF) or hardware (RTS/CTS) in both directions
Break Propagation: Transparent
EIA signal propagation: Status of local DTR signal can be propagated to the remote end
Echo: Character echo can be selectively enabled for each terminal port
Composite Ports
Auto-sensing 10/100BaseTX MDI-X Ethernet/V.35/X.21/ T1/E1
Error detection and correction: 16-bit CRC-CCITT with ARQ (automatic re-transmission on error)
Speed: Selectable, serial up to 1.2bps-2Mbps, Ethernet auto detect-10/100
Interface: DB25, V.35; DB15, X.21
Data Encoding: NRZ or NRZI
Clock: Receive clock: external; Transmit clock: selectable as internal or external
Ethernet Ports
Interface Auto-sensing 10/100BaseTX MDI-X on RJ-45
Serial Console Port
Serial Communication Protocol: Asynchronous start-top
Serial Speed: 19200 bps
Serial Data format: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
Set/modify/view parameters
View status
Store parameters in non-volatile memory
Copy parameters between ports
Provide local/remote loop backs on port