Page M-6
II Operator’s
Operator’s Manual
Appendix M: TouchRam
Appendix M: TouchRam
TouchRAM Buttons with
ouchRAM Buttons with TCP/IP Address
TCP/IP Address
In facilities with Pharmaceutical Net software, data sampled at various locations
In facilities with Pharmaceutical Net software, data sampled at various locations
can be conveniently downloaded to Pharmaceutical Net, and then analyzed and
can be conveniently downloaded to Pharmaceutical Net, and then analyzed and
archived. In large facilities with several Pharmaceutical Net installations, it may
archived. In large facilities with several Pharmaceutical Net installations, it may
be beneficial to be able to automatically change the TCP/IP address of the
be beneficial to be able to automatically change the TCP/IP address of the
LASAIR II when it is moved from one Pharmaceu
LASAIR II when it is moved from one Pharmaceutical Net area to another.
tical Net area to another.
TouchRAM buttons can have
ouchRAM buttons can have a TCP/IP address programmed in them, which
a TCP/IP address programmed in them, which
facilitates this
facilitates this capability
Setting the TCP/IP Address
Setting the TCP/IP Address in a TouchRAM Button
in a TouchRAM Button
Figure M-2, below
M-2, below, shows the LASAIR I
, shows the LASAIR II Comm Setup Screen. The “Serial”
I Comm Setup Screen. The “Serial”
page shown i
page shown in the l
n the left side
eft side sets the
sets the function of
function of the serial
the serial port. T
port. To read and
o read and write
TouchRAM buttons,
ouchRAM buttons, “T
“TouchRAM Read/Write” must be
ouchRAM Read/Write” must be selected. Buttons can
selected. Buttons can
be written with or without the TCP/IP address. In order to wr
be written with or without the TCP/IP address. In order to write the TCP/IP
ite the TCP/IP
address, the “TouchRAM W
address, the “TouchRAM Write TCP/IP” button must be selected
rite TCP/IP” button must be selected on the “Data”
on the “Data”
screen. If this setting is disabled, a 0.0
screen. If this setting is disabled, a is written for the TCP/IP address. Th
.0.0 is written for the TCP/IP address. Thee is ignored when the button is read. is ignored when the button is read.
Rules for Reading TouchRAM Buttons
Rules for Reading TouchRAM Buttons
To read a
o read a button, the serial setup
button, the serial setup must be either “TouchRAM Read” or
must be either “TouchRAM Read” or
“TouchRAM Read/Write”. The Data
ouchRAM Read/Write”. The Data page setting
page setting of “TouchRAM Write TCP/
of “TouchRAM Write TCP/
IP” has no effect when reading buttons. In
IP” has no effect when reading buttons. In other words, even if this setting is
other words, even if this setting is
disabled, the TCP/IP address will be read and
disabled, the TCP/IP address will be read and processed from a button.
processed from a button.
The following processing occurs when a button is read:
The following processing occurs when a button is read:
If the TCP/IP address is read as, n
If the TCP/IP address is read as, no additional processing occurs.
o additional processing occurs.
If the TCP/IP address is the same as the on
If the TCP/IP address is the same as the one on the LASAIR II, then no
e on the LASAIR II, then no
additional processing occurs.
additional processing occurs.
Figure M-2: Comm Setup Screens for Configuring TouchRAM
Figure M-2: Comm Setup Screens for Configuring TouchRAM