Page C-6
II Operator’s
Operator’s Manual
Appendix C: Downloading Data to Facility Net
Appendix C: Downloading Data to Facility Net
Mobile-Collected Data (Case A): Erase Regularly
Mobile-Collected Data (Case A): Erase Regularly
Facility Net is unable to interleave data (arrange data in
Facility Net is unable to interleave data (arrange data in a non-contiguous way to
a non-contiguous way to
increase performance) from overlapping chronological periods. Once da
increase performance) from overlapping chronological periods. Once data have
ta have
been entered from a location, the next data must be more recent than the most
been entered from a location, the next data must be more recent than the most
recent data points from that location that are already in Facility Net.
recent data points from that location that are already in Facility Net.
When Facility Net receives a data sample
When Facility Net receives a data sample that is older than the newest recorded
that is older than the newest recorded
data from that location, it discards that data sample. This can become an issue
data from that location, it discards that data sample. This can become an issue
when multiple units remotely sample from the same location name, either:
when multiple units remotely sample from the same location name, either:
When multiple units sample from the same location at ove
When multiple units sample from the same location at overlapping times,
rlapping times,
When recently collected data is downloaded before older data,
When recently collected data is downloaded before older data,
•• Whe
When the
n the sam
same dat
e data are
a are loa
loaded m
ded mult
iple tim
e times.
The best practices procedure is to do the following:
The best practices procedure is to do the following:
Carefully develop sampling and downloading schedules, in addition to
Carefully develop sampling and downloading schedules, in addition to
location naming conventions.
location naming conventions.
•• Erase
Erase data i
data in the
n the LASAI
R II as so
as soon as
on as you ha
you have dow
ve downloaded
nloaded it.
Data Buffering
Data Buffering
If the computer system goes down while data are being downloaded from the
If the computer system goes down while data are being downloaded from the
LASAIR II, it would be quite easy to lose these data. As protection, the LASAIR
LASAIR II, it would be quite easy to lose these data. As protection, the LASAIR
II automatically retransmits the most recent 60 data samples when it is configured
II automatically retransmits the most recent 60 data samples when it is configured
to Facility Net, IF:
to Facility Net, IF:
LASAIR II was connected when the computer system went down, AND
LASAIR II was connected when the computer system went down, AND
R II is no
is not power
t powered of
ed off bef
f before Fa
ore Facilit
cility Net
y Net comes
comes back up
back up..
These data are stored in a
These data are stored in a separate buffer and are not affected by emptying the
separate buffer and are not affected by emptying the
historical data file.
historical data file.
Assigning Location Names to
Assigning Location Names to Facilitate Mobile Data
Facilitate Mobile Data
Some forethought is required when designing a
Some forethought is required when designing a Facility Net system. Each
Facility Net system. Each
instrument's address may be associated with up to 256
instrument's address may be associated with up to 256 locations. For smaller
locations. For smaller
systems it may be adequate to use a single address for all LASAIR IIs. For larger
systems it may be adequate to use a single address for all LASAIR IIs. For larger
systems, multiple addresses may be required. The TCP/IP protocol uses both the
systems, multiple addresses may be required. The TCP/IP protocol uses both the
location name and the instrument address as key
location name and the instrument address as key fields when saving the data.
fields when saving the data.
The TCP/IP remote download function in F
The TCP/IP remote download function in Facility Net can substitute the user-
acility Net can substitute the user-
defined instrument name instead of using the TCP/IP add
defined instrument name instead of using the TCP/IP address. This allows
ress. This allows
different addresses for each LASAIR II, which is good networking practice. If the
different addresses for each LASAIR II, which is good networking practice. If the
instrument name matches the name previously configured, pop-up dialog queries
instrument name matches the name previously configured, pop-up dialog queries
the user to move the configuration from the previous TCP/IP address to
the user to move the configuration from the previous TCP/IP address to the new
the new