17 - PVD 3661 MGV_ commisionning manual_March 2012.docx
Frame recommendation
: The user has the entire responsibility to design and prepare the support, the
coupling device, shaft line alignment, and shaft line balancing.
Foundation must be even, sufficiently rigid and shall be dimensioned in order to avoid vibrations due to
The high-speed motors need a rigid support, machined and of good quality.
The maximum flatness of the support has to be lower than 0.05mm.
The motor vibration magnitudes in rms value are in accordance with IEC 60034-14 – grade A:
maximum rms vibration velocity for MGV4/MGV6/MGV8 is 1.3mm/s for rigid mounting
maximum rms vibration velocity for MGV9/MGVA is 1.8mm/s for rigid mounting
Vibration may also be caused by driving elements with a natural oscillation frequency very
close to the excitation due to the small residual unbalance of the rotating masses of the
: A grade A motor (according to IEC 60034-14) well-balanced, may exhibit large
vibrations when installed in-situ arising from various causes, such as unsuitable
foundations, reaction of the driven motor, current ripple from the power supply, etc.
In such cases, checks should be carried out not only on the machine, but also on each
element of the installation. (See ISO 10816-3).
Motor alignment
To align easily the motor and the load, we recommend adding screws to push the motor smoothly. Enough
screws must be used to move the motor (or the load) in all directions. At each step of the setting, wedges have
to be inserted between the motor feet and the frame.
Use screws
to lift lightly
the motor
Same settings
on others