Series - Application Manual
Piston Pumps & Motors
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Hydraulic Pump Division
Marysville, Ohio USA
Section 3
With the separate servo pressure feed to the control shut off, the rotary servo may be moved
The control is available only with the spring centered rotary servo, brake and neutral bypass
or torque limit override. Adjustable maximum volume stops are provided in standard configu-
ration. They are capable of being adjusted between zero and full displacement. The relation-
ship between the number of turns of an adjusting screw and the cam angle is: 1 turn = 2.23°
cam angle
The control is available with 0 deadband or with 10% deadband on zero stroke position.
The hydraulic stroker modulates the rotary servo position in proportion to an externally sup-
plied hydraulic pressure.
The hydraulic controller, consisting of a stroking piston and spring box, positions the rotary
servo shaft. With no external control pressure input, the piston is positioned by the spring box;
at zero displacement for pump controls, or at full displacement for motor controls.
When an external pressure is introduced into one of the control ports, a force develops, pro-
portional to the pressure times the piston area. When this force exceeds the spring preload,
the piston commences to move in its bore, a distance proportional to the signal pressure. A
pin engaging the piston converts the piston motion into a proportional rotation of the rotary
servo shaft.
When the control pressure is reduced or removed from the control port, the rotary servo posi-
tion reduces or returns to the initial position. Introducing signal pressure into the opposite port
results in motion in the opposite direction.
With no pressure applied to either control port, the rotary servo may be moved manually by
applying external torque capable of overcoming the spring force, typically 30 to 60 lbs-in., 3,4
to 6,8 Nm.
Figure 3.22
Stroke vs. current
Figure 3.21
Electrohydraulic stroker
(Full stroke)
(800 SERIES)
C o n t r o l C o v e r
M a x . D
i s
p l .
A d j . S c r e w
N e u t r a l Tr
m .
A d j . S c r e w
N u l l S p r
n g
F e e d b a c k S p r
n g
M a g n e t
J e t P
p e
E l e c t r
c a l
C o n n e c t
o n
M a x . D
i s
p l .
A d j . S c r e w
N u l l A d j .
S c r e w
c e C o
Rotary Servo
J e t P
p e
R e c e
v e r
F e e d b a c k
S p r
n g
N u l l
S p r
n g
i s
t o n