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Part No. 100318 Rev. 1
Issued: 2021-06-08
Inside the power pack box, the lift also contains
a hard-wired controller, the operation of the
controller is described below:
Enable Button: Enable button must be pressed
and held to actuate the lift or lights.
Up Arrow: Actuates the lift upwards when the
enable button is held.
Down Arrow: Actuates the lift downwards when
the enable button is held.
Light: Actuates the light kit if optioned when the
enable button is held. This button is latching (light
remains on when actuated on or off).
Paradise Dock & Lift recommends your lift be inspected annually by a
qualified dealer or installer.
Battery Maintenance
Battery issues are the most common reliability issues encountered with hydraulic boatlifts.
The following tips pertain to battery maintenance:
• If a replacement battery is needed, a 12V group 31 marine battery is recommended. The
minimum recommended reserve capacity is 160 amp hours.
• It is recommended that the battery capacity not drop below 50% capacity as a trickle or
solar charge will have difficulty fully recharging.
• The battery may require a trickle charge during the off season or a boost at the beginning
and end of the boating seasons.
• If your battery is not staying charged; install a solar panel trickle charger or an AC trickle
charger, move the solar panel to a sunnier location, boost your battery mid-season, install
a second battery in parallel with the existing battery or check your battery water levels and
top up as necessary with distilled water.
Down Arrow: Actuates the lift downwards.
Light: Actuates the light kit if optioned. This button is
latching (light remains on when actuated on or off)
If your remote is not working, please check that the 2x
AAA batteries are not dead and replace if necessary.