PD42-1270 TMCL
Firmware Manual • Firmware Version V1.00 | Document Revision V1.0 • 2017-Mar-02
75 / 91
The module is equipped with motor driver chips that feature load measurement. This load measurement
can be used for stall detection. stallGuard2 delivers a sensorless load measurement of the motor as well
as a stall detection signal. The measured value changes linear with the load on the motor in a wide range
of load, velocity and current settings. At maximum motor load the stallGuard value goes to zero. This
corresponds to a load angle of 90° between the magnetic field of the stator and magnets in the rotor. This
also is the most energy efficient point of operation for the motor.
Stall detection means that the motor will be stopped automatically when the load gets too high. This
function is configured mainly using axis parameters #174 and #181.
Stall detection can for example be used for finding the reference point without the need for reference
switches. A short routine written in TMCL is needed to use stallGuard for reference searching.
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