Using Built-in WhiteBoard
Saving pen drawing content (Page Menu)
Page Menu will be enabled in the WhiteBoard mode or during drawing on the captured image.
The drawn content and its background can be saved in the built-in memory or USB memory and can be read as a see page.
Connect a USB memory to the USB (VIEWER) terminal on the side of the display.
USB Memory
see page 42
To use the built-in memory, select “Setup” - “Touch screen settings” and set “Built-in memory setting” to “On”.
(see page 73)
For confidentiality reasons, it is recommended that you delete unnecessary files saved in the built-in memory.
The memory mode changes.
003 / 003
Built-in memory
Page Menu
New Page
Save as a new page
Delete this page
Delete all pages
Save to USB Memory
USB Memory mode
Page Menu
003 / 003
Built-in memory
001 / 001
USB Memory
Page Menu
001 / 001
USB Memory
New page
Save as a new page
Delete this page
Remove USB Memory
Built-in Memory mode
Page Menu
Page Menu (Built-in memory)
Page Menu (USB Memory)
Common items in the built-in memory and USB memory
003 / 003
Built-in memory
Page Menu
: Switches see pages of the drawn data saved in the memory storage when
is tapped.
The left number is the current see page number and the right is the last see page number.
will display the pages by skipping every 5 pages. With long-touch, 10 pages
are skipped every time.
The total number of all the see pages saved in the memory storage is not displayed.
“Read-Only” will appear below “Page Menu” if you read the drawn data in the memory
storage that is write-protected or does not have enough space for writing.
New page
: Creates a new see page.
: Overwrites the current see page.
Save as new page
: Saves the drawn content as a new see page while keeping the original see page as it is.
Delete this page
: Deletes the current see page and displays the next see page.
Built-in memory only
Delete all pages
: Deletes all the see pages saved in the built-in memory.
Save to USB Memory
: Copies the see pages saved in the built-in memory to the USB memory. You can copy the
current see page only or all the see pages.
When copying a file, a message will appear asking if you delete the file in the built-in
memory. Delete the copied file as necessary.
USB Memory only
Remove USB Memory
: Makes the USB memory ready for removal. Be sure to perform this operation before
removing the USB memory.
File save format
See pages are saved as file in the USB memory.
A JPEG file that is a synthetic image of the background image and the content drawn with pen will be saved under
the screen synthesis folder (/WHITEBOARD/JPEG).
Also in the internal processing folder (/WHITEBOARD/SYS_DATA), the background image will be saved in the
JPEG format and the drawn content in the PNG format.
The see page number will be shown in the file name.
Example: File of the second see page
Synthetic image file:
Background file for internal processing:
Drawn content file for internal processing: /WHITEBOARD/SYS_DATA/WB_002.PNG
The same files as above will be saved internally in case of the built-in memory.