Loading W
elcome Image
Error messages
Please insert USB storage to load
No USB storage is detected.
Image file is not found.
No supported image file is found in the USB storage
The image file is too large.
The file size is too big. (Maximum file size: 1MB)
The image file is invalid.
The image file format is not supported.
Sorry, failed to install.
Installation is failed.
The welcome image is not displayed when TV is turned ON within 10 seconds after turn Off.
While the image is displayed, no operations (except power off) can be performed. Video, audio and banner display will
be delayed. All other requests will also be delayed.
To re-install a new image insert the USB storage with a new image, then set “Welcome Image”. The installation
process will start to repeat the previous procedures.
Audio is not output while displaying the Welcome Image.
When the image file is not installed, default image (Panasonic Logo) is displayed.
To check the Welcome Image
The Welcome Image is displayed for designated seconds by turning on the main power of the TV, or turning the power
ON using the remote control.
• Display time can be changed in “Welcome Image” menu. (p. 21)
To set second and subsequent units with the same setting
The USB storage will record the settings for the first
unit, so second and subsequent units will be set with
the same settings just by inserting that USB storage.
Set the Welcome Image (Load Image/Off/3sec/5sec/7sec)
Please refer to “Hotel Mode Setup” to set the setting (p. 21)
You can change status to the display time.