For model : SBC-P729K / SMR-P729
SBC-P929K / SMR-P929
This product is designed to store a 750 ml. wine bottle as following.
SBC-P729K, SMR-P729 model can be stored 72 bottles.
SBC P929K, SMR-P929 model can be stored 102 bottles.
They can be placed as following picture.
Top shelf 11 bottles
Forth shelf = 11 bottles
Second shelf = 11 bottles
Model SBC-P729K, SMR-P729
Fifth shelf = 11 bottles
Third shelf = 11 bottles
First shelf = 17 bottles
Top shelf 12 bottles
Forth shelf
18 bottles
Second shelf
18 bottles
Model SBC P929K, SMR-P929
Fifth shelf
18 bottles
Third shelf
18 bottles
First shelf
18 bottles
Locking the door
For model : SBC-P245K / SMR-P245
To lock the door of the product, turn the
key counter clockwise at the bottom of
the door as far as you can. Then remove
the key.
To release the lock, turn the key
clockwise as far as you can. Then
remove the key.
CMT-6-P110-113-00-0.indd 15
CMT-6-P110-113-00-0.indd 15
05/15/12 8:09 AM
05/15/12 8:09 AM