Wiring method
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600V vinyl insulated wire
• Single wire: Dia.1.2 to 1.6 mm
• Twisted wire: 1.25 to 2 mm
Same as above
Dia. 0.65 mm, two-core twisted pair
Dia. 0.65 mm, two-core twisted pair
2 mm
, two-core twisted pair wire
1.25 mm
, two-core twisted pair wire
0.3 mm
or more, single-core shielded wire
0.3 mm
or more, single-core shielded wire
1. If used improper wire, it may cause a burn or a fire.
No special provisions
Supply voltage:
110 V AC, 220 V AC or
240 V AC± 10 %
Depends on loads
100 m
30 m
50 m
30 m
10 m
2. Never use a soldered wire. A thinner solder will cause imperfect contact and a fire.
Processing of electric wires
1. Electric wires for screw terminals
•when single wires are used Peel off
wire covering up to 11 ±1 mm.
(Full scale view) �
2. Electric wire for melody signal output
•when twisted wires are used Use
round crimp-type terminals with
insulation tubes (for M3.5).
Dia. 3.9 mm or more
7 mm or less
Melody output side
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Shielded wire
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Put through the cap.
Solder the wire and the metal fitting together.
Tighten the metal fitting on the shielded side.
Turn the cap.
* Connect a plug for an amplifier input using the same procedure as used for the melody signal output plug.
Connection to the terminals
Make connections in the following manners as shown below.
• Appropriate tightening torque: 0.8 to 1.2 N · m
(8.2 to 12.2 Kgf · cm)
Confirmation of wiring
1. Turn off the power before make connections.
2. In the case of two crimping wires, make
connections back to back as shown below.
3. Do not connect three or more electric wires
to one terminal.
Failure to observe this precaution may
cause heat generation or fire due to
incomplete contact.
After making connections, make sure whether or not there is any improper wiring.
Short-circuiting load circuits may cause failure.
Considerations after installation
• Confirmation of operation
Read the instruction manual thoroughly to make sure of operation.
Since the nickel-metal-hydride battery of the main unit may not be charged sufficiently due to self
discharge, especially a power failure test should be conducted two days or later after turning on the
• Explanation of specifications to users
When you configure a system with external equipment using control output or melody signal
output, it is necessary to make up a program according to it. Be sure to present the following
information to users in a written form:
• System schematic diagram
• Programming method