12 mussels
12 clams
60 ml (4 tbsp) dry white wine
225g (8 oz) spicy hot fresh
pork sausages, cut into
2.5cm lengths
450g (1lb) chicken breasts,
cut into 5 cm strips
2 garlic cloves crushed
3 ml (
tsp) dried thyme
2 ml (
tsp) salt
1 green pepper, chopped
1 onion, chopped
450g (1lb) raw king prawns,
shelled and deveined
175g (6 oz) long grain rice
3 ml (
tsp) crushed saffron
250 ml (9 floz) chicken stock
225g (8 oz) crushed canned
Dish: 3 litre soufflé dish
Oven Accessory: glass tray
Serves: 8
1.Scrub mussels and clams under cold water and remove
beards from mussels with a sharp knife. Arrange the
clams around the edge of the soufflé dish, and place
the mussels in the centre. Add the wine and cook,
covered, on 1000 W for 3-5 minutes, just until the
shellfish open.
2.Discard top shells of shellfish: rinse shellfish in their
own liquid to remove any sand. Place shellfish on a
plate and reserve. Pour the juices into a jug, leave to
stand until sand settles. Spoon off clear cooking liquid
and reserve. Discard the remainder.
3.Place the sausages in the soufflé dish. Cook, covered
with kitchen paper on 1000 W for about 4 minutes,
or until lightly browned. Remove and drain on kitchen
paper, reserve dripping.
4.In mixing bowl, place the chicken, garlic, thyme and
salt. Add to the soufflé dish with the sausage dripping
in. Cook, covered with kitchen paper on 1000 W for
about 5 minutes, until chicken is tender, stirring half
way through cooking. Remove chicken and reserve.
5.Place green peppers, onion and prawns into the soufflé
dish. Cook covered on 1000 W for 3-4 minutes, just
until prawns turn pink, stirring half way through cooking.
Remove prawns and set aside.
6.Add rice and saffron to the vegetables. Cook on
1000 W for 2 minutes, stirring half way through
cooking. Then add the reserved shellfish liquid, stock
and tomatoes. Cook on 1000 W for 15 minutes, or
until rice is tender; stir once.
7.Stir in carefully the reserved sausage, chicken and
shellfish to the rice mixture. Cook on 1000 W for 2-3
minutes until hot. Be careful not to overcook. To serve
place paella in a warmed serving dish, arranging clams
and mussels on top.
Rice, Pasta, Dried Vegetables & Jacket Potatoes