Running on an elevated
Making a turn after dri-
ving on a long straight
Running on a steep
mountain road
Running on a spiral
Entering a fork where a
road branches off at a
small angle
Running crisscross on a
network of parallel
Running on a slippery
road with chains on
Snaking on a wide road
Vehicle on a turntable
with ignition turned off
After getting off a ferry-
boat or vehicle train
Intelligent map matching addresses the following problems to
achieve high accuracy in vehicle positioning.
Position Correction for Elevated Roads
Position accuracy is improved by detecting whether the vehicle
is running on or under an elevated road.
Position Correction for Parking Garages
Position accuracy is improved by detecting whether the vehicle
is driving in an elevated or underground parking garage.
High-precision Gyrosensor
A gyro detects turns with an accuracy of 0.05° per second.
Combined with a speed sensor, it enables the system to display
the current vehicle position even in locations where GPS sig-
nals may be blocked.
Positioning Accuracy
In the following situations, your vehicle position may not be displayed correctly on the
map. But as you keep driving, your vehicle position will be corrected automatically utiliz-
ing map matching and GPS data.