PA-5400 SERIES NEXT-GEN FIREWALL HARDWARE REFERENCE | PA-5400 Series Firewall Installation
2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
STEP 3 |
Rotate the card and align it with the front of the appliance so that the Palo Alto Networks logo
is readable at the top of the card. Gently push the DPC into slot 3 until the card reaches the
end of the slot.
The PA-5450 firewall makes use of paired
power from a DPC to a corresponding Networking Card (NC). When installing a DPC, you
must install it in the correct slot to pair with the NC.
STEP 4 |
Push on both ejector handles until they lock the card into place.
STEP 5 |
) Repeat Steps 3 through 5 if you wish to install additional DPCs. You may install a
DPC into slots 2, 4, 5, and 6.
Slot 2 is the only slot that can either house a DPC or a second NC.
STEP 6 |
If you have unused front slots
) Install a blank panel into each unused card slot to help the
appliance maintain system air flow. Ensure that the bottom “teeth” of the blank panel fit into
the notches on the bottom of the slot. Rotate the blank panel upwards until it snaps at the top
of the slot.