3.1.3 Idle Current Reduction
The Idle Current Reduction (ICR) function reduces the phase
current at times when no motion is commanded. Motor
current is reduced when no step commands are received for a
given time. This time can be set to 0.05 seconds, 0.1 seconds
or 1.0 second. Current to both motor windings is reduced by
The ICR function can be enabled/disabled and the time delay
between the last step command and current reduction can be
set to 50 ms, 0.1 seconds, or 1.0 second using DIP switch S1
position 5 and Jumper J6 position 7-8. With the jumper
installed (factory default), ICR is disabled when DIP Switch S1
position 5 is in the closed position and enabled with a delay of
0.1 second (current is reduced by 50% when no step command
is received for 0.1 second when the switch is open. With the
jumper removed, ICR is enabled and the delay can be set to
0.05 second or 1.0 second by placing DIP Switch S1 position 5
in the closed or open position respectively.
Note: When ICR is active, both the holding torque generated by
the motor and the motor stiffness around the holding position are
reduced by approximately 50%.
The ICR function:
Reduces motor and drive heating during stand-by operation
6430 Installation and Hardware Reference Manual - Rev 1
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